Publications on M3Actions
M.Soden, H.Eichler: An Approach to Behaviour Comparison using Execution Traces (under review)
M.Soden, H.Eichler: Temporal Extensions of OCL Revisited. (under review)
M.Soden, H.Eichler: An Approach to use Executable Models for Testing. EMISA, 2007
H.Eichler, D.A.Sadilek et al: Frameworks to create language definitions and tools on top of the eclipse modelling project (poster). EclipseCon 2008
M.Scheidgen, J.Fischer: Human Comprehensible and Machine Processable Specifications of Operational Semantics. ECMDA 2007
H.Eichler, M.Scheidgen, M.Soden: A Meta-Modelling Framework for Modelling Semantics in the Context of Existing Domains Platforms. ECMDA, Workshop on Model Driven Engineering and Testing, 2006
M.Soden: Operational Semantics for MOF Metamodels - Tutorial on M3Actions (draft v1)